16 May 2017

I'll be honest. It was a tough day. For the first time in months, I had no page reads or sales on Amazon. Then ACX came back and said the audiobook needs changes before it can be approved. And the nanny called out sick on the one day it was most inconvenient. BUT. These are all, as they say, first world problems. So I am trying to keep my perspective.

  1. Salon day. Nails and hair, and though I had to bring the kids with me, they were very well behaved.
  2. A day without having to do laundry.
  3. Fire drill while I was volunteering at the school. I felt very efficient in helping get the kids out.
  4. I was able to help someone . . . She thinks my name is Angela, and I don't have the heart to correct her. I think it's funny anyway, and I went through high school with people calling me Andrea, too, so I've given up on people getting my name right. Anyway, it always feels good to help people. Like, it's a good thing to do, but I'm totally selfish in that it makes me feel good when I help others.
  5. Great News.

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